The Great Hearts Anthem Lunch Program is entirely managed and distributed by our Parent Service Organization volunteers with all the profits going directly back to the Parent Service Organization. Great Hearts Anthem partners with to provide a secure, fast and easy-to-use online ordering system that allows parents to view our lunch menu, order, prepay and manage student lunches on the web. Please note that the order deadline each week is Thursday at 9:00 pm. You may edit your order any time prior to the Thursday evening deadline.

Lunch order information

Order Lunches

Please email Rhonda Leonard at with any questions regarding food or policy including missed/late orders, credits, charges/cancellations.


New Parents

  1. Go to
  2. Register: password is eagle7, please register your user account, profile(s) and necessary information.
  3. Sign In & the Welcome page displays with Program Info (Order Schedule, Rules etc.)
  4. Click Order at Top of Nav Bar & go to proper month
  5. Click the Order on the date to begin – First Lunch Date is August 7th
  6. Check out & pay – Please be sure to complete the check-out process.

Returning Parents

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with your username & password.
  3. Choose student that needs location, add their grade for the new school year & click update profile.
  4. If a student has graduated, select their name & click remove profile.
  5. Once all profiles are updated, click on the Order link to begin.
Step 1. Complete annual Raptor volunteer background check HERE

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